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BARAIFA offers professional programs and products to enhance skills and provide value-added business services. Our educational offerings provide everything an agent or advisor needs to run a business and manage a career.

Item Name Price
Introduction to Insurance and Financial Services
500.00 BBD
FA201 Techniques for Exploring Personal Markets
1,100.00 BBD
FA202 Techniques for Meeting Client Needs
1,100.00 BBD
FA251 Essentials of Business Insurance
1,100.00 BBD
FA261 Foundations of Retirement Planning
1,100.00 BBD
FA257 Essentials of Life Insurance Products Insurance
1,100.00 BBD
FA271 Foundations of Estate Planning
1,100.00 BBD
FA290 Ethics for the Financial Services Professional
1,100.00 BBD
FP99 Foundations of Financial Services: An Overview
1,100.00 BBD